如有興趣請聯絡 lifegroups@cccc-sj.org
小組的名稱已說明了我們是一班喜樂的群體, 互相鼓勵和支持。我們的成員主要來自北灣及三藩市區,成員都是年輕夫婦家庭,我們都是耶穌的跟隨者,相信聖經的真理,亦常實踐真理在日常生活當中。歡迎你加入。
如有興趣請聯絡 lifegroups@cccc-sj.org
這是個國語群體小組。成員包括在職, 家庭及退休人士。每月聚會兩次。除了學習聖經, 更會注重分享和分擔生活上需要和困難。相信生命有如活水, 是豐盛和湧流不斷的。亦會透過聚餐及遠足等活動等建立深入的友情。歡迎你們加入。
如有興趣請聯絡 lifegroups@cccc-sj.org
如有興趣請聯絡 lifegroups@cccc-sj.org
We are a girls' group that are either in college or just being started to work. We enjoy hanging out together and study the Bible. We meet Thursday at 9PM to support and share with each other. We want to grow with a life-purpose.
If you are interested to know more, please contact lifegroups@cccc-sj.org.
"hApPiNeSs" Life Group is a community of Elementary, Middle School and Senior High School students rooted on the Word, prayer and spiritual renewal. We are disciples who desire to follow Jesus by seeking to know Him, grow more like Him and to go for Him through serving others and making new disciples. (Col. 2.6-7), (Rev. 22.16)
If you are interested to know more, please contact lifegroups@cccc-sj.org.
【Men's Group】
如有興趣請聯絡 lifegroups@cccc-sj.org
BLAST stands for Believe, Learn and Seek Truth. It is a life group designed for kids from age 2 to 12. In BLAST we watch bible stories, share interests and do lots of activities together. The goal of BLAST is to learn how to follow Jesus and build friendships and grow up together. We are meeting on Sundays at 10AM.
If you are interested to know more, please contact lifegroups@cccc-sj.org.
現代的女性要面對多方面的挑戰;無論你是Stay-home Mom 或是在職場上拼搏,都極需要在屬靈的智慧。神的話語能成為我們的力量,姊妹們一同成長及互相支持,亦可堅固彼此的信心!
如有興趣請聯絡 lifegroups@cccc-sj.org
每週四上午於許尹秀瑜姊妹家中聚會。內容有讀經, 祈禱及分享, 透過讀聖經, 互相代禱, 使生命紥根成長。會後一同午餐, 當中會分享生活點滴, 下廚心得, 日常資訊。並且定時會參與褔音機構的義務工作, 使大家不只聽道, 亦實踐"行道"。是一個有學習, 有分享, 有歡笑, 有關愛及充滿意義的聚會。歡迎有興趣的姊妹及朋友參加。
如有興趣請聯絡 許尹秀瑜姊妹 Josephine Hui.